
Friday, December 3, 2010

'The Walking Dead' Writing Staff Fired

News broke a bit ago that Frank Darabont, the developer behind AMC's hit The Walking Dead had fired off the entire writing staff, it left a lot of us internet media types puzzled. I mean, the show is a success, breaking ratings records, and was picked up for a second season after the first episode, so why fix what ain't broke? 

Now obviously one would think that now Darabont himself would be writing the series second season, which may be the case for a lot of episodes. But the plan is to follow the route that has served Doctor Who well and freelance the episodes out to writers, as opposed to the writing room collaborations. 

Splashpage.mtv talked to Robert Kirkman, the creator of The Walking Dead, and he says it's not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be, and that the announcement was "unfortunate" and "premature":

"It's kind of unfortunate that it's being reported that our writing staff has been fired because that's not the case," he said. "It makes Frank look bad. I don't think Frank wants it out there that he's just firing people off of a successful show seemingly for no reason."
Kirkman added that executive producer Charles "Chic" Eglee, one of the many writers reportedly ousted from "The Walking Dead," actually chose to leave on his own accord.
"Chic Eglee is a high-level television writer," said Kirkman. "He was brought onto 'The Walking Dead' with the idea that Frank was going to work on the first season and then go off and do movies. Chic didn't want to be second-in-command on a show when he's used to being a top dog, and so he decided to go off and do something else, which is something that happens and is not a big deal."
As for how Darabont and Kirkman plan on tackling the writers situation going into season two of "The Walking Dead," Kirkman said: "It's a little premature to be nailing down. I don't know if it's going to be a freelance situation or if we're going to have writers in a writers' room."
"Everybody knows what they're doing," he added. "AMC has done a few television shows before, and Frank Darabont is a professional. Whatever is decided, I don't think it will affect the show one way or another."

Robert Kirkman also said that he would be writing an episode in the second season, so while I think they would only benefit from a group of writers, after the awesome first season I trust them to right by the series and keep a good show good.

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