
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What Are Friends For? Brand New Segment!!!

Welcome to a brand new feature here at Action News, and it's all about a simple question really.

What Are Friends For?

Not those 'Friends'...

Well, most of the time what a lot of my friends are good for are sending me funny stuff from the web. Yea sure, they are there when you need something and to always give support, get drunk with, blah blah blah. BORING. So instead of having all this internet gold wasted on me, I figured it was only fair to share it with the rest of you. So weekly (maybe) I'll bring you new editions of WAFF? to entertain you for a good 2-7 minutes. Sound good? Let's get started.

First of all my friend Berv, (she hates it when I call her that) Fashion Designer Extradoinaire, shared this with me, and words do not describe how awesome it is:

Wow, awesome. I'll wait, if you want to watch it again. 

Next up is my buddy Doc Kronner, who was the driving force behind Bam!Kapow! for a while, and to see his his new site just click on his name. Anyways, he sent this to me and he said he couldn't stop laughing, which pretty much means it's ridiculously hilarious. It helps that it's Conan, too.

Okay, now I apologize, I don't know if it's my computer or the fact that I'm in Canada, but I can't get the video to work for me, so I am sharing it to you purely on Doc's recommendation. You can check it out here.

This is short but sweet, and it's from my buddy and old band mate (yea I was in a band, whats up?) Shane. It's a scene from Silent Night, Deadly Night 2, which kind of speaks for itself.

Garbage Day!!!!


And finally, from my fellow collaborator at both Bam!Kapow! and The Urban 30, Christopher A. Brown. This is... just... epic. This guy is my hero, check it out:

And he ends it with a killer line, great delivery. Wow...

Well, there it is! What do ya think? Better yet, do you have any funny videos or bits from the web that are sure to entertain? Drop me a line! Check my Contact or Links pages for the best ways to share with Action News!!!

1 comment:

  1. Check out the entire Italian Spiderman movie on youtube here:

    ...and yes, it only gets more epic!
