
Thursday, January 13, 2011

First Look: Garfield's Spider-Man and Evans' Captain America

I know that you want to get right to it and see the costume for Marc Webb's upcoming Spider-Man reboot, but I think I'll make you wait a little bit. But don't worry, I won't make you wait listening to crappy muzak or anything. I have another first look for you.

So we already saw the cover to EW that featured Evans kind of in costume, and we've seen him in what I'm calling his USO uniform, you can check both of those in the link above. But we finally have a pic (from of not only Evans in full costume, but the one thing that makes Captain America...well... Captain America:

BAM!!! Captain America with his shield in full costume. And I gotta say, I like it. It's a little '90's pouch ridden, but effective nonetheless. I like the Ultimates style helmet, and that shield is dynamite. Electric dynamite. The robot... Nemesis reject looking things are kind of lame, but whatever, it's Cap with his frickin shield.

And now that I've built up some suspense let's take a look at the moment we've all been waiting for! Our first look at Andrew Garfield in his Spider-Man costume, and it's not quite what everyone expected. Check it out:

Okay, now when I first saw that a few thoughts popped into my head... SACRILEGE!!! POPPYCOCK!!! And then I looked at it some more, and calmed the die hard comic nerd inside me down, and then laughed cause I had thought POPPYCOCK!!! But that's besides the point. 

I wasn't surprised that the costume ended up to be different from the comics, even though they perfectly retained the original throughout the first Spider-Man trilogy. I'm not surprised because although this movie was touted as more than likely drawing from the Ultimate Spider-Man series, from certain casting and possible story ideas that have come out it looks to be more than a little non-canon.

But that's conjecture, as we just haven't seen enough from the film to make any certain predictions. So let's talk costume. Actually, I'll let Splashpage tell you the "Five Key Changes in Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man Costume", because they quite aptly sum it up:

Spider-Man costume

See those metal discs on Peter Parker's wrists? If they're mechanical web-shooters, the new franchise could be planning a major reboot of the character's history, as longtime fans know that Peter Parker's web-shooting ability originally stemmed from a pair of mechanical bracelet-like contraptions that he wore under his gloves. In the comics universe, the "webs" he shot were composed of a chemical he invented, and not a product of the radioactive spider-bite that gave him his other powers. Recent storylines in Spidey's comics universe have gone back and forth on the "organic vs. mechanical webbing" debate, with the prior movie franchise going full organic for this plot point.
Could the new films be veering back to mechanical web-shooters, or are the discs just a new element that facilitates Spidey's organic web-shooting abilities?

Spider-Man costume

Every iteration of Spider-Man's costume in the comic book, television, and movie worlds have always added their own unique tweak to the spider symbol on Peter Parker's chest. Sometimes it's been a wide, shoulder-to-shoulder look, other times it's been reduced to a small badge centered on the character's chest. In some cases, the symbol has stretched vertically from Peter's shoulders to his waist — which appears to be the direction they're going with this new costume.

Spider-Man costume

Given his web-shooting requirements, Spider-Man's gloves have always been an important part of the costume. In this new iteration of the iconic red-and-blues, we not only get some silver, possibly web-shootery discs, but we also get a gauntlet that wraps around Spidey's upper forearm. I'm not sure what to think about the spiral style of the new gloves, but it definitely puts a new spin (sorry, I couldn't help it) on the old favorite.

Spider-Man costume

I mentioned earlier that the new spider symbol on the costume accentuates the leaner, lankier actor underneath it, but that isn't the only element of the costume that seems designed to reinvent our impression of the ol' web-head. The new costume seems to give significantly more space to the slimming blue sections of the rib area and pants, and offers a narrower red vertical on the chest than we've seen on most of Spidey's movie costumes — or many of his animated incarnations, for that matter.
The new costume also seems to have eliminated the horizontal, red "belt" portion of the uniform, which only adds to the aforementioned slimming effect. This version of Peter Parker is bringing the skinny back, it seems.

Spider-Man costume

While past iterations of Spider-Man's costume seemed to opt for a more spandex look (with occasional ribbing on the webs), this new costume seems to be composed of a more mesh-like material. The webs no longer seemed to be glued on after the fact, and instead seem to be a part of the same material that makes up the rest of the costume. It's a small change, but a noticeable one. Here's hoping we get some explanation of where he got the costume this time around!
Well said. So there's our First Look at both Chris Evans/Captain America and Andrew Garfield/Spider-Man. What do you think? Be sure to comment below!

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