Thursday, November 11, 2010

SupaScoot's Action Comic Talk!!! Marvel Teasers...

Happy Remembrance Day and welcome to Action News. Today we are going to talk just a little comic talk, because that's what I do, so if you didn't realize that by now take off, eh?

Primarily we are here to talk about teasers, because Marvel goes apeshit over teasers, whether it be to push a new storyline, book, or character, they love their teasers. So I'll show you a couple of the more recent ones to hit the 'net.

First off let's talk X-Men. At any given time there are 3 or 4 running teasers going about the newest developments in the Marvel's mutants. Somebody is chasing the 90's X-Market, but they will unfortunately never get back to that, not for their lack of trying. The most recent teaser is for the Age of X storyline/new comic by Mike Carey:

"Mutantkind’s final war starts here.
If you don’t know which side you’re on, check your DNA."

Here's the first teaser of the characters involved followed by the mostly revealed teaser poster:

Marvel has added MAGNETO & CANNONBALL to their Age Of X teaser image, joining GAMBIT, HELLION, BESERKER, NIGHTMARE, BASILISK, and FRENZY

Not to be outdone on the Spider-man side of Marvel, because they haven't done enough crazy storylines lately (Brand New Day, Big Time) they have released this latest teaser, I'm sure to just get everybodies attention for a story that won't add up to the tagline:

Scared yet? Marvel has offered "No Comment" on this cover of Previews that came out, but it's a pretty obvious attention grabber.

So I'm sure there are another 800 teasers and comic stories to look at but I'm having a kind of summarized day so more later, if your lucky.

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