Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pass/Fail - X-Men Anime

My initial judgement's based on very little facts... Welcome to Pass/Fail...

Welcome to the newest segment here at Action News. It's called Pass/Fail, and it will basically feature me judging everything I come across with a grade. I'm sure you can guess the grading system I will be using.

So for the first edition of Pass/Fail, let's take a look at Marvel's upcoming X-Men Anime series.

First let's take a look at the trailer:

Okay, so that doesn't look too bad, I guess. The best of the trailer looks to be the Beast, who is one of my favorite X- characters, but nothing else really stood out. 

Generally that would be enough for me to judge this, but we have even more to take a look at. What's an X-Men cartoon without the opening sequence? 

Not bad, not bad. Doesn't really have the same kick as the 90's intro, but it's a different market, so I can buy it. Let's take a look at some of the character designs for the show from Comics Alliance:

Starting with Storm, who is looking as good as ever:

Then Beast:

And Armor, who is a rather new character in the comics, but no surprise that she is included in the anime:

Okay, and now we take a look at what I don't really like. First here's Wolverine:

In a vest... Yea, I don't like it. But even worse... Here's Cyclops:

Well, the costume is terrible, for one. I won't even get into the poses they have him striking here. Once again Cyclops is played off as the tragic whining whiner that he sometimes is, as opposed to the man behind the dream, the general of the militia, the leader of an entire race.

Obviously I am a fan of Cyclops, which is rare in my circles, as most fanboys generally hate Cyclops. It's a fact. I fricken love Cyclops. And I am tired of seeing him portrayed terribly. So despite some of the cool features and possible awesomeness of this anime series, I have to grade based on my personal judgements.

Don't mess with Cyclops.

Don't agree with me? Sound off in the comments section below!


  1. And to not use Cyclops current costume, which is his best costume in decades, to settle for a lame jacket and sunglasses, theres just no justice. Armor gets her cool Astonishing costume, Cyke starts off with a cool costume in the trailer, but they degrade it to ... that. I will probably still give it a chance despite the FAIL grade, only because I am commited to most things comic regardless of how crappy they look. I own Batman & Robin, but I hate it with a passion...

  2. Screw yur words people. Watch the shit then complain about it. I just watched it for first time this past weekend and it was god damn amazing.
